Gifts of Cash
Every single gift, no matter how big or how small, makes an impact to ministry. If you are in a financial position to give a gift of cash (cheque) today, your gift is greatly appreciated and much needed.
Lifetime Gifts
Although ‘planned giving’ is often synonymous with deferred giving from an individual’s estate, a gift made during your lifetime can be considered a planned gift as well. If your financial circumstances warrant that a significant charitable gift during life provides greater tax advantages than might be available when you die, it may be prudent to develop that gift today. Charitable gifts can offset up to 75% of your annual net income and any unused tax benefit above that amount can be carried forward for up to five years.
In addition to the tax benefits, a lifetime gift also enables you to provide much needed resources for ministries today, and you get to see what your gift accomplishes. A lifetime gift can come from various assets including gifts of securities or cash. LFC gift planners can assist you in determining the viability of this option and help you determine the best scenario for your lifetime gifts together with a planned future gift from your estate.
Outright Gifts of Cash
Gifts of cash can be given directly to a ministry of your choosing or if you would like your gift split between multiple ministries, a single gift can be given to LFC and distributed based on your instructions. Your gift can also be used to create a designated or donor-advised fund, or be placed in an existing fund, providing annual disbursements to ministries.
To make a gift of cash through LFC, make your cheque payable to “Lutheran Foundation Canada” and mail it along with a letter of instruction to:
Lutheran Foundation Canada
3074 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3K 0Y2
Please make your cheque payable to “Lutheran Foundation Canada”.
Our charitable number is 888730397 RR0001