Our online webinars are a great way to become familiar with all aspects of estate planning and charitable gift development to support the ministries you cherish. Learn how Christian stewardship plays a significant role in your plans. To register for any of our webinars simply click the link. You will receive a confirmation and instructions on how to join. If you would like LFC to present a webinar just for your congregation, please send us an email.
Christian Estate Planning Basics
For a comprehensive overview of estate planning, including: Wills, Probate, Power of Attorney, Healthcare Directives, Trusts, Funeral Planning, and Planned Giving, this webinar covers all this and more. In today’s paperless environment, have you considered your digital footprint? If you’re a care-giver or future estate executor, what should you know? What estate assets are taxable? How can gifting from your estate lower your tax burden? Register for one of these webinars for answers to these questions and more!
Webinar Schedule
Note – Times shown are for the province listed