Each of our congregations are filled with faithful, loving, generous Lutherans. Some members already have a planned gift in place to support the work of their congregation. Interestingly though, many still might not know how they can be a blessing to their congregation and its mission. At the same time, it is vitally important that a congregation understand the impact of charitable gifts by establishing wise methods of receiving and stewarding these gifts to support their ministry for years to come. LFC can help your congregation meet the needs of your members charitable wishes and the congregation’s ministry goals.
Seminars & Education
It starts with awareness. Although most of our LCC members have a Will where a gift is traditionally made, less than 20% have a gift in place. LFC provides education and assistance through seminars and leadership support to congregations who want to establish a planned giving culture. Contact us to learn more or to arrange a seminar.
Gift Acceptance Policies
Stewardship doesn't start and stop with the donor. It is vitally important that a congregation receiving a gift does so with the same faith-based stewardship principles, thus ensuring long-lasting support for their ministry. Establishing a Gift Acceptance Policy protects both the donor and the congregation by identifying acceptable gifts, how they are to be received and acknowledged, and how they are to be used to support the mission and ministry of the congregation. A variety of resources are available to help you put your policy together.
LFC Congregation Custodial Fund
LFC encourages the establishment of a congregation Custodial Fund as a way of managing and investing the gifts you receive from your members as well as other funds that you have accumulated over time. Custodial Funds typically support outreach efforts, mission and ministry opportunities, capital improvements, or Christian education as described in your Gift Acceptance Policy. Once you have accumulated $25,000, you can establish your Custodial Fund at LFC. Any future gifts can be added to your fund at any time. Your Custodial Fund is fully available to your congregation without restriction or penalty at any time. Click here to learn more about how a Custodial Fund is invested and managed, including annual rates of return.